Tag Archives: Indie Brewing Company

346: P. Q. R.

Episode 346: This week we’re back on the alphabet train and we’re drinking P, Q, and R beers.

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This week, we’re getting closer to the end of the alphabet of beers and we’re drinking beers/breweries whose names begin with the letters P, Q, and R!

Pictured: Three cans of beer, and one bottle from the P, Q, R, episode of Four Brewers podcast.

The Delta variant of COVID-19 is real and cases are rising in the United States and all over the world. The Food and Drug Administration has recently approved the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. PLEASE do your part and get vaccinated.

Get Vaccinated: Find COVID-19 vaccine near you.


Watch this episode on YouTube:
Session 150: https://youtu.be/88rykFf7gF8

Episode Chapters:
00:00:00: SupportTheShitOutOfIt.com
00:00:10: Four Brewers Theme
00:00:15: Begin Show
00:00:58: Patron Shoutout!
00:01:08: Patreon-Exclusive Glassware Update
00:04:08: Timbo Pils – Pinthouse Pizza
00:14:02: Quintette – Indie Brewing Company
00:15:41: Quemacocos – Cerveza Cito
00:17:58: Monks’ Reserve Ale – Spencer Brewery
00:19:08: Oatey McOatface – Third Window Brewing Company
00:22:57: Quemacocos (cont’d)
00:24:07: Oatey McOatface (cont’d)
00:25:25: Tenacious Duo – Chapman Crafted Beer
00:37:17: Electric Jellyfish – Pinthouse Pizza
00:46:29: Wrap Up
00:49:36: fourbrewers.com

Beers from this week’s episode:
Timbo Pils – Pinthouse Pizza
Quintette – Indie Brewing Company
Quemacocos – Cerveza Cito
Monks’ Reserve Ale – Spencer Brewery
Oatey McOatface – Third Window Brewing Company
Tenacious Duo – Chapman Crafted Beer
Electric Jellyfish – Pinthouse Pizza

Direct audio: MP3

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4B Merch: Four Brewers Merch Store

Email Four Brewers: feedback@fourbrewers.com

Theme Song: The Sleeping Sea King

295: Quarantine Freshies

Episode 295 -This week on the show, we’re staying safer at home and trying a new way of recording the podcast.

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This week on the show, we’re doing things a bit differently. Most of us, and by "us," I mean literally everyone around the world, have adapted to the (hopefully) temporary new way of life of staying at home and distancing from others. COVID-19 is a very real thing that is a risk to everyone, and that means even podcasters like us need to change how we normally do things. This week, we’re recording our first-ever remote show where all of us are at home, recording over the internet.

Pictured: John's beers from Episode 295.

We’re no strangers to streaming online, and recording over the internet is actually a more common way of recording a podcast. We typically record in a studio at John’s house so we can interact with each other in person and share the beers that we are talking about on a given episode with one another. Obviously, this is not an ideal situation with everything that’s happening right now, so here we are. There isn’t really going to be anything too different about the show, other than the common beers that we won’t be sharing with each other. On one hand, it’s a bit of a pain to record the show this way, but on the other, it provides a new opportunity to create content in a much more convenient way. Point is, bear with us as we try to adapt to this new way (at least to us) of podcasting.

We hope you’re safe. We know this sucks right now. We miss our friends and family, socializing, and even going for a run without having to wear a mask, but this is temporary and staying at home as much as possible, while also keeping our distance from others in public, is something we must all do. That being said, we live in a great time in history where we have a robust internet that allows us all to stay in contact, see each other’s faces, and even get together once a week for a virtual happy hour.

We’ll be recording episodes once a week from here out, which is actually pretty cool for those who normally can’t make it to our typical monthly recording sessions. We’ll be having guests on the show, trying new beers, and continuing to keep doing our thing the best we can. Thanks for sticking with us. We’ll get through this.

Now, on with the show!


Direct audio: MP3

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Support The Show: Patreon | PayPal Donation

Social Media: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | tumblr | Flickr | Snapchat | Anchor.fm

Email Four Brewers: feedback@fourbrewers.com

Theme Song: The Sleeping Sea King